
Do you have great facilitators that need support transitioning to an online environment?  Do you have new facilitators that need assistance learning online course management skills? Would a facilitator manual help prepare your team of in-group facilitators?

Trainers seated at a roundtable in discussionWakeford & Associates can help prepare your facilitators with in-person or online train-the-trainer programs and training documents.

Carrie Wakeford has 25 years experience developing train-the-trainer programs.
Learn more about Carrie's Qualifications.

Carrie has trained and supported a team of in-group facilitators, explaining the needs of adult learners and presenting course content and learning objectives.  She researched, wrote and uploaded online courses and facilitated both online and in-group train-the-trainer programs for course administrators and facilitators.  She has designed manuals and training seminars to train and support project managers.  Carrie has also trained a team of career counsellors, case managers and online facilitators as well as placement students and volunteers.
Carrie has developed and facilitated in-person and online training programs. She has also written training material.
Check out a few of her Highlights.
  • Designed, developed and facilitated four online training programs for online facilitators and course administrators using the Course Management Systems (CMS) Moodle and ATutor
  • Developed a training manual for project managers for a provincial government program and facilitated training sessions at a provincial conference
  • Trained a team of career counsellors and group facilitators
  • Developed and facilitated Moodle training for online course facilitators
  • Wrote manuals and training programs for online instructors, group facilitators and program coordinators

Contact to Learn More

To talk to Carrie Wakeford about the training needs of your team, contact her at or call (705) 745-1607.