Targeting Your Résumé

Each résumé you send needs to target a specific employer and/or position.  In most cases, if you have a base résumé, you will only need to make a few edits to apply for jobs in your field.  However, before you can target your résumé, you need to research each specific employer and/or position.

Research tips:

  • Review the job posting or job description, if there is one available
  • Make an in-person visit to the company
  • Ask people in your network if they have any information about the company
  • Review the company’s website, including their social media links (e.g. Facebook, Blog, LinkedIn, Twitter and Forum posts)

This research will give you the information you need to create a clear link between what the employer needs and what you have to offer.

For example, you can:

  • rework your bullet points to include keywords and action words the company has used
    • e.g. if the word “estimates” is used in the job posting, include the word “estimates” on your résumé, if you can
  • add bullet points that target the company or position
  • reorder your bullet points so the most important points for the position are listed first
  • reorder your sections and subsections
    • if a posting states “experience supervising a team”, you will want your management skills on the first page of your résumé

A targeted résumé makes it easy for the employer to see that you are the right match for the position.